Friday, August 15, 2008

World Domination via Potholders!

Originally uploaded by bound for india

Having recently joined the craft forum for Handmade magazine, i joined a challenge to swap potholders, now you either like them or you don't, you either have a use for them or you don't, you either know what they are .. or you don't .. i myself, never really knew what to do with them and didn't realise the good old oven mit is actually just another version of a pot holder, go figure!

This flowery little gem is my first ever pot holder, i've never owned one like this, i've never made anything like it and i still don't know what i'll do with it .. hang it perhaps .. i don't know .. what i do know, is that i'm going to take over the world with potholders ..

POTHOLDERS i tell you!!!


1 comment:

Jen said...

I love your pot holders. Kind of made me feel a bit sentimental as my mum was forever making 'bloody potholders'......... she would have given you a run for your money. Great blog by the way!